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Delivery & Curbside Pickup Options Available Now!

Mon, Aug 22, 22

Delivery & Curbside Pickup Options Available Now!

To shop from our site or the Garfield's Beverage App:

Select the store you’d like to shop from.
Add items to cart. After you’ve made your selections click the shopping cart icon on the right side of the screen. If all looks correct, proceed to checkout.
Sign in or create an account using your email or phone number
Choose Delivery or Curbside Pickup and Place Order. You will receive confirmation when your order is placed and accepted by your store.
For Delivery all we require is an ID displayed through the door to ensure the receiver is 21 or older and help protect against fraudulent charges.
For Curbside Pickup you can simply give us a call when you’ve arrived and a member of our staff will bring out your order. Simply display an ID through the window, pop the trunk, and let us do the rest.
Both options are easy, convenient, and “contact-less” to help keep everyone safe and healthy. Cheers!